Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bake Sales

At NYU, they're really popular with the clubs. I really have no idea why, since I rarely see people buy anything from them...I certainly never do. Odds are, I have made/could easily make what they're selling, plus I just don't really eat sweets. However, NYC banning homemade goods is ridiculous. So what if you can't know the exact calorie count? Schools now can only sell things like Doritos. Really, NYC? Really? That sounds totally healthy, much better than banana bread or oatmeal raisin cookies.
Thankfully,  NYU hasn't gotten that weird-yet. So last night I was roped into baking cookies for Tisch New Theatre's bake sale today. I used to be on the board, but for a myriad of reasons I am no longer involved. But several of my friends are, hence my baking for them. Except wait! The bake sale was moved from campus to one of the acting studios. And they wanted me to bring my cookies there. Ummm no. I don't have an extra 45 minutes to do that. I though my favor was done with the baking. Apparently not. I did actually put my foot down about it (yay not being a doormat!) so I now have about 3 dozen coconut chocolate chip cookies. Come and get 'em!
On a completely unrelated note, it's finally stopped raining! I am so excited, even if it's not actually sunny... :)

1 comment:

  1. Coconut chocolate chip cookies sound delish:) I want to thank you so much for remembering my friend Jan in your prayers. I'm trying to train for the Relay but still wondering how I should train for a 18 hour walk:)!
