Monday, April 12, 2010

Tis the season

for recitals and fundraiser parties! I've gone to 2 fundraiser parties for shows my friends' shows in the last 2 weeks and I didn't even make it to all of them. I also went to two recitals on Saturday and have 3 more in the next week. End of the year, everyone's getting crazy. My last final is 4 weeks from tomorrow. Boy I'm excited for this semester to be over. I'm taking a lot of interesting classes, but it's been super stressful. Blargh.
In other news, since I've been a bad blogger, I still haven't shared my Easter muffins with y'all! They're super cute :)
Technically, they're chocolate muffins with the simplest frosting ever, but they seemed more like cupcakes to me. I was so happy I had my tulip papers to use for them too! My friend Holly came over the day before Easter to make them with me. It was gorgeous, so we went for a walk along the Hudson, as well, before hitting up a fundraiser party for our friend's production of Spring Awakening.
Last week was gorgeous, so I basically did no work and just spent all my time sitting by the Hudson River and eating taro frozen yogurt with fresh fruit, coconut, and almonds. (In case you couldn't tell, it's one of my favorite foods. Yum!) However, now all that work is catching up with me...and I register for next fall's classes tomorrow. Eek! I really, really hope I get the ones I want, because I have no idea what else I'd take. *Crossing my fingers!*
Ok, back to work...anybody want to write a Personality Psychology paper for me? :)

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