But hey, I get to have fun too! A friend from church and I are throwing a dinner party tomorrow evening. It should be a very fun evening-I'm cooking a risotto, he's cooking some sort of dead animal, and at least 15ish people will be there. We weren't really counting on that many actually being able to attend, but hey, the more the merrier! I really do like to cook, but usually I find it's just not worth it to cook something that takes more than 2 (if we're being generous) dishes for just myself. It's not the effort of cooking, but the cleanup-having no dishwasher and a sink perpetually filled with dirty dishes makes it seem just oh-so-unappealing.
And Saturday is Relay for Life! If you don't know what it is, it's American Cancer Society's biggest fundraiser. It's a 24 (or 16, or 12, depending on who's running it) hour walkathon relay-someone from each team is supposed to be on the track at all times. I've been doing it for the last 7ish years and I can't imagine missing it. I think I'll do a full post about RFL and my personal reasons for getting involved later, as it really deserves a discussion all its own. To sum up, I love it and look forward to it every spring. I know that I'll stay up all night, so no church on Sunday-I'll need to sleep till about noon, maybe even 2, since I won't get home till after 7am. If anybody would like more info now, or to donate to ACS via my fundraising page, here's the link: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/emma2010 Thanks! :)
Thankfully, I'm not working all weekend-I worked extra during the week, around classes, and am doing so again next week-don't want to be stuck in the store my birthday weekend! :)
Oh, and happy Earth Day! Here's a nature pic for ya (weeping willows are my favorite tree, as I tell my campers every summer...ha)